Cyberwar: How Russian Hackers and Trolls Helped Elect a President: What We Don’t, Can’t, and Do Know Kindle Edition
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Cyberwar eBook. The question of how Donald Trump won the 2016 election looms over his presidency. In particular, were the 78,000 voters who gave him an Electoral College victory affected by the Russian trolls and hackers? Trump has denied it. So has Vladimir Putin. Others cast the answer as unknowable. In Cyberwar, Kathleen Hall Jamieson marshals the troll posts, unique polling data, analyses of how the press used hacked content, and a synthesis of half a century of media effects literature to argue that, although not certain, it is probable that the Russians helped elect the 45th president of the United States. In the process, she asks: How extensive was the troll messaging? What characteristics of social media did the Russians exploit? Why did the mainstream press rush the hacked content into the citizenry’s newsfeeds? Was Clinton telling the truth when she alleged that the debate moderators distorted what she said in the leaked speeches? Did the Russian influence extend beyond social media and news to alter the behaviour of FBI director James Comey? After detailing the ways in which Russian efforts were abetted by the press, social media, candidates, party leaders, and a polarised public, Cyberwar closes with a warning: the country is ill-prepared to prevent a sequel. In this updated paperback edition, Jamieson covers the many new developments that have come to light since the original publication.
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About the Author

Born: 24 November 1946 (age 73 years), Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
h-index: 54
Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania
Spouse: Robert Jamieson (m. 1968)
Education: University of Wisconsin-Madison
I found Jamieson’s even-handed approach and detailed evidence both convincing and refreshing. (Terri Apter, Books of the Year 2018, The Times Literary Supplement)
Illuminating, timely, Cyberwar is a major step forward in trying to understand the ‘new’ media order … Jamieson provides perhaps the first authoritative account and synthesis of the copious amounts of data surrounding the 2016 attack … the result is perhaps the clearest-cut glimpse of what an information war looks like… Cyberwar is more powerful for what it is not… (Alexander Kimburg, Nature)
In her breakthrough new book Cyberwar, Kathleen Hall Jamieson applies her legendary skills to a forensic examination of the Russian hackers, trolls and bots who reshaped American public opinion through social media platforms, using data analytics to achieve maximum impact. Her masterful study provides a compelling answer to the question of whether Russia likely helped elect an American President. (Andrea Mitchell, NBC News Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent MSNBC Anchor)
Kathleen Hall Jamieson has performed a great service not just for politicians, journalists and curious citizens, but most important, for American democracy, by taking a scholar’s approach to answering one of the most urgent and gnawing questions of our time: how did Russia try to influence the U.S. elections of 2016 and how much difference did that make? This is a must-read for everyone who cares about the future of the American electoral system. (Judy Woodruff, Anchor and Managing Editor, The PBS NewsHour)
Kathleen Hall Jamieson mounts a strong challenge to the conventional wisdom that the Russia interference in the 2016 presidential race did not affect the outcome. Drawing on her expertise in presidential elections and how messages are received, she shows how the hacked emails influenced the media’s focus and traces the powerful synergies between what the trolls were saying and what voters were ready to believe. It is hard to imagine a better application of careful scholarship to a central question for our country and deserves a wide readership. (Robert Jervis, Adlai E. Stevenson Professor of International Politics, Columbia University)
One hopes […] that everyone who studies presidential elections, everyone who safeguards their security, and particularly every journalist who covers them will heed this book. (Regina G. Lawrence, Public Opinion Quartlery) –This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
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