Growing Tomorrow’s Citizens in Today’s Classrooms eBook. Rapid innovation is transforming the way people think, work, and connect. For students to succeed today, they must acquire the knowledge and 21st century skills required for college and career readiness. Practical and research-based, this resource will help you design meaningful, relevant skill assessment and instruction that promotes student mastery of critical competencies, including collaboration, problem-solving and critical thinking skills, creative thinking skills, communication skills, digital citizenship, self-regulation, and more.
Use the most effective practices for teaching soft skills to increase college and career readiness:
- Explore the seven critical competencies necessary for success in the 21st century.
- Become familiar with good habits of mind, and pass those habits on to students to support their soft skill development.
- Learn how to teach critical thinking and other 21st century skills by facilitating learning that will develop the critical competencies in students.
- Develop powerful and effective soft skill assessment methods, such as student self-assessments, that will test student levels of competency in the seven critical areas.
- Access free reproducibles to supplement your understanding of the text and facilitate the book’s content in the classroom.
About the Authors
Chapter 1: Cultivating Habits of the Mind
Chapter 2: Self-Regulation
Chapter 3: Critical Thinking
Chapter 4: Collaboration
Chapter 5: Creative Thinking
Chapter 6: Communication
Chapter 7: Digital Citizenship
Chapter 8: Social Competence
References and Resources

Tom Schimmer is an education author, speaker, and consultant from Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada). He is recognised as a leader and expert in the areas of classroom assessment, sound grading practices, educational leadership, and RTI.
Tom has been an educator since 1991. He spent 7 years as a full-time classroom teacher, 11 years as a school-based administrator, and 2 years working at central office where, as a member of the senior management team, he was responsible for overseeing the efforts to support & build the instructional capacities of teachers & administrators throughout the district. After 20 years working in the school system, Tom resigned from his district position (in 2011) to work full-time as an author, speaker, and consultant.
Tom is an experienced, sought-after presenter who has delivered both keynote and workshop sessions and major conferences, as well as for schools and/or school districts internationally. Tom has worked in Canada, the United States, Vietnam, China, Myanmar, Thailand, Japan, Qatar, Bahrain, India, the U.A.E., the U.K., Russia, Singapore, and Spain.
Tom is the author/co-author of six Books (See books tab for links):
- Schimmer, T. (2011). Ten Things that Matter from Assessment to Grading. Don Mills, ON: Pearson Canada.
- Schimmer, T. (2013). Ten Things that Matter from Assessment to Grading (US edition). Portland, OR: Pearson ATI.
- Schimmer, T. (2016). Grading from the inside out: Bringing accuracy to student assessment through a standards-based mindset. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
- Erkens, C., Schimmer, T., & Vagle N. (2017). Essential assessment: Six tenets for bringing hope, efficacy, and achievement to the classroom. Bloomington, IN. Solution Tree Press.
- Erkens, C., Schimmer, T., & Vagle N. (2017). Instructional Agility: Responding to assessment with real-time decisions. Bloomington, IN. Solution Tree Press.
- Schimmer, T., & Hillman, G., & Stalets, M. (2018). Standards-based learning in action: Moving from theory to practice. Bloomington, IN. Solution Tree Press.
Tom holds a Teaching Degree from Boise State University (1990) and a Master’s Degree (Curriculum & Instruction) from the University of British Columbia (1999).

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