Underground Lotto Expert Finally Makes A Move…
“Give Me A Sheet Of Paper,$5 ,
and 10 Minutes and I Will Write A Winning Lottery Ticket For You”
I know it sounds too good to be true but everything is real and backed up by tons of proof...
Don’t go any further until you read this:
Lotto Master Formula. Everything I’m talking about in this page is fully proven 131 times (and counting). That means that 131 individuals are already using my method with extraordinary success. I’ll demonstrate this very element in just a second…
Don’t go any further until you read this:
Everything I’m talking about in this page is fully proven 131 times (and counting). That means that 131 individuals are already using my method with extraordinary success. I’ll demonstrate this very element in just a second…
The system I’m referring to won’t make your rich overnight, it will happen with time. However in the beginning it will make you win smaller prizes…and as you practice my techniques will bring you very close to the JACKPOT. That is a promise…
This system is perfectly legal… and the formula can be played anywhere in the world…in any state. No complex lottery schemes required. If you have 10 minutes and a few dollars to invest in the ticket …you have enough for winning big time.
Are you wondering who I am and how do I know all this?
My name is Greg G. and I’ve learned everything the hard way. I was smart enough to figure out that lotto has to do with LUCK in just 1% of the overall extractions….and the chances of getting rich relying only on luck are close to zero and slim to none.
Have you ever wondered how in the world some people
always win and others always lose?
The answer is simple. The winners make the odds work for them. Like this:
Now with me… Well, I happened to be good with numbers ever since I was a boy. I remember that my mother always use to say “Greg, you’ll work for NASA someday” I had a perfect memory- almost photogenic. When I would memorise relative’s phone numbers, I would know them exactly after reading them just once.
This is the only LUCK I have ever received: my photogenic memory….About the lottery LUCK… I created and developed this luck myself.
“I was always driven by the fact that everything that is created by a human being
That is my life philosophy… The records are broken all the time…The technology is continuously advancinng thanks to even better ideas, solutions, formulas etc.
What If There’s A Guy Who Can Beat The Lottery
Anywhere In The World?
From what I know the lotteries first appeared hundreds of years ago…in different forms. The principles that these lotteries were founded on are pretty much the same…
As a curiosity, here’s how a lottery ticket from 1814 looked like:
Well, the thing is that back in those times the inventors believed that people would simply rely only luck alone. Well, times have changed and now we exist in an era where the sky is the limit.
People like me, who have continued working continuous days and nights calculating…testing..playing all kind of strange combinations are the ones who make a killing with the lotteries.
I personally have had only losses for 10 years in a row. I think that I have lost more money than anyone else in my town. These tickets were from $5 to thousands of dollars.
These losses went in strict connection with my lottery research. I was absolutely determined to find the weak link in their system.
After each loss I experienced, I would go back to the drawing board and check to see what mistakes I was making.
In this period I realised that…
– Winning the lottery has nothing to do with luck (maybe in just 1% of cases)
– If you play “stupid” (forget my word)…you’ll never win
– 5% of players take 95% of the earnings
– You don’t have to listen to so-called gurus..because most of them are wrong
– Most of the lotto books online or offline …are completely trash. ( and I mean it)
The “AHA” Moment…
After 10 Years Of Hard Work I Finally Figured It Out…
It Was The Secret That Changed My Life:
– July 23, 20018 : Won $ 15,334.25 …spent only $6.5
– September 19, 20018: Won $250,000… $19 investment
– September 29, 20018 : JACKPOT DAY: $1,467,526.30 … $93 investment
– October 12, 20018 – No winnings 🙁
– October 19, 20018 – Won $100,000 …Spent only $7.24
– October 7, 20018 – Won Small…Only $50,000 ( I lost the pictures with the check)
– October 30, 20018- No winnings 🙁
– November – Went To Vacation .. Played One Ticket In Gibraltar and Won $50,000
(***I blurred the name and other private details because I really don’t want to
expose my real name. I know it is dangerous. I’m sure you’ll understand it…)
…and the lists goes and on and on… with many small winnings ( a few tens of dollars …or even a few tens of thousands of dollars) …ALTERNATING from time to time with a big fat JACKPOT.
As you can see, I was becoming a winner, and pretty often I was making a killing. I’m not making the same big claims as the lottery gurus that say they win the big money every time they play …or that they have the secret of winning the jackpot instantly.
I don’t say that… I say that I figure out a way NOT TO LOSE. There is a big difference. The difference is- I know how to transform the odds into my flavor and win consistently:
– Hundreds of dollars in prizes
– Thousands of dollars in winnings
– Tens of thousands of dollars most of the time
– And from time to time hundreds of thousands of dollars and the JACKPOT.
If you don’t want to win with these kind of earnings…don’t read any further, because this message is not for you.
No one can guarantee you that you’ll hit the Jackpot tomorrow or even in a week. That would be an absolute lie. For such a winning the odds are helping the lottery …not you…ALTHOUGH as you can see I managed to win twice so far.
What’s the secret behind my success?
A lot of work, hundreds of nights spent working, thousands of dollars wasted, countless fights with my wife, and almost getting fired from the day job (accountant manager).
Talking about the real secret, well- I’d say that there is more than one secret:
– Firstly, it is the strategy you need to adopt (anyone can do it)
– The way you implement the formulas I’ll teach you …and all of the associated methods
– And finally, the mindset you need to have (very important …because sometime you need to stick with what seems counter-intuitive)
The beauty of my “secret” (let’s use this term to describe it) is that you don’t need to invest big. As you can see, most of my winnings came from very small investments. Playing small will make you feel comfortable and that is a good thing.
Not only did my technique work for me, but it worked for others. After a while I taught all my family members to play for living. My uncle Jack hit the jackpot and won $2.343.112 in the second month. The rest of the members had only hundreds of thousands of dollars in winnings.
I’ve helped most of my friends, too. Ever since I made my secret public I have helped 131 people…and most of them have had their lives changed in one way or another. It is true though, that some of them spent the money on crazy stuff …but that is another story.
Here are a few emails I received:
How does my secret work?
Firstly you will need to get my playing system. You can’t do anything without it. After you have it, let’s say you you’ll do it this way:
- You take a $10 or $20 ticket and choose the numbers exactly as I show you.
- 2.You double check and make sure you didn’t screw something up
- You place the ticket
- Wait for the extraction
- You probably win a few hundred first time you play, then thousands and why not the BIG JACKPOT.
- You repeat the process until you win even more.
This system is addressed to people who don’t want to waste time with complex and inefficient schemes. It’s for those who don’t want to dedicate their lives to reinvent the wheel.
Everything has been combined in a manner that anyone can understand it. Actually I have combined everything in a book called “Lotto Master Formula”
Lotto– because you will make a lot of money with lotto in the next weeks, months, and why not years
Master– because I like to think I’m a Master in the lotto game… I have results… Proven results!!!
Formula– because it is very simply to apply the system. It’s like a formula.
To make sure you have it right:
Lotto Master Formula is not illegal (what can be illegal in following some strategies that increases your odds. The lotteries are not happy with my system…but they can’t do anything about it)
Lotto Master Formula is not difficult to understand: no mathematics required…just simple things anyone can understand
Lotto Master Formula is used with great success by 131 (and counting) so far. We’ve just launched the website …and pretty soon this will take the internet by storm. I’m very serious about keeping this website up for a very limited period of time…and then taking it down. If we all win…who is going to lose?
Lotto Master Formula will enable you to win small first,BUT then it will give you the taste of a few thousands, and then it will reveal the real path to wealth.
It feels so great to have money to buy everything you desire. I recently bought a brand new Porsche Cayenne Bi Turbo for my son. Paid with $141,000 in cash. Here’s the picture:
Get the secret here…
As I said, it took me a lot of time to combine this system and the book that I’m about to reveal to you. Now I’m going to give you a sneak peek of what you will discover inside:
How to use my d******* secret for winning the lottery (d***** is the term that will make the difference in your game). You’ll find everything inside…fully explained
Discover the technological tools that will boost your chances of success even more (you cannot afford to miss this)
How to maximise your playing experience (and win more money than you have always dreamed)
Insights about lotto …discovered by me… and that only 1% of players know ( many people can spend a life time without figuring them out)
The secrets of having the right attitude with my system (You need to know how to control yourself even if you have a loss or two.) – Probably this is one of the most important chapters
The most efficient ways to avoid losing …no matter what amount you play. (you’ll be able to test anything you want in your game …without affecting your wallet)
Lottery Systems exposed …or how to make a good living from lotteries.
And many more secrets and tips.
1) You cannot miss this secret system. It is there inside of my book. All you need is a few hours to read everything from A to Z even if you are beginner or advanced player…and then you’re done.
2) No other system is more complete or more efficient. I tested everything on the market. That I can guarantee.
How Much Does It Cost To Have It?
– the big question.
Nothing is free in this world and probably if I would have just pasted the content of my book here, you wouldn’t pay too much attention to it. Therefore I have decided to come up with a right price for you. Not to mention that I spent hundreds of nights, wasted a fortune on testing it ( at that time I didn’t have money)..and the fights I endured with my wife.
To be honest with you I didn’t know how much to ask for my system, so, I asked the guys I have helped so far. Most of them answered that my system can be easily sold at $5,000 …because it works and it brings results.
I said “Hold on guys… People cannot afford this…and I’m not in need for money”.
I gave it a second thought and considered that $200 is a fair price to ask for it.
Hmmm…since the website is brand new…and I have never been online – I heard that is great to come with an INTRODUCTORY Offer. Why not $150 ??? So be it… $150 dollars for everything that is wrapped inside.
UPDATE: Saturday, May 4, 2019
Since the price of this eBook won’t be online for long at this price and I don’t plan to sell more than 500 copies I decided to drop the price even more to £0.99. Once these copies are sold I’ll take the website down. This offer will last for a limited time. It can be today, it can be tomorrow… or in a week that it is gone FOREVER. I’m here to help 500 interested individuals and that’s it.
Probably, TODAY ONLY the price is £0.99. (act fast – instant download access)
Now all you have to do is give it a try (risk free) and you’ll be convinced for your yourself that my system really works. People who have tried it say:
“Hey Garry! I’m writing you from China. I just want to let you know that I won. It is the first time I’m winning and I’m very happy. Please excuse my English if it is bad… Your system has helped me tremendously. This is the third week I’m playing and here are the results. I’m going to attach a picture to this message. Thanks a lot!- K J Sung“
For Great Success,
Garry G.
P.S.- Just have a look at the picture below and tell me that you haven’t dreamt at least once to one of these cars…. You can have everything you desire if you choose to play the lottery wisely:
Click Here To Get “Lotto Master Formula” Right Now!
Lotto Master Formula Review
There is no dearth of lottery strategies on the internet and it can be difficult to determine which one is reliable and really effective. The Lotto Master Formula, developed by Mr Garry G based on his own experience and research, claims to use the numbers itself to our advantage. The reason for its success is that the formula does not depend on just luck but on logical permutation and combination of numbers. This results in you winning tens of thousands of dollars by spending only a tiny fraction of that amount, no matter where you live.
Key features
The Lotto Master Formula works on three levels to be a success:
First, adopt the strategy created by Garry through his personal trial and errors and research conducted over the past many years.
Second, implement the formula and the other related strategies that will help you choose the right numbers for optimum success.
Third, stick to the formula with a focused mindset, even though initially in some cases it may seem to be counterproductive.
The formula, the associated strategies, technological tools and inside knowledge of the lottery system are all available in the form of an eBook which you can download from the official website of the Lotto Master Formula. The introductory offer is £2.99 but the cost of the eBook has been further reduced to £0.99 for a limited period. Secure and convenient payment options are available in the form of credit cards or through PayPal.
Lotto Master Formula is for those who want to make the odds work for them in a simple and legal manner. All you have to do is learn and use the formula to pick the winning numbers. It claims to have 78.9% accuracy for small winnings and 66.2% for jackpot. We will have to take their word for it, as no additional information is provided on these figures.
But since you will also get hints, tips and a general understanding of how the lottery scheme works with the advancement in today’s technology, it is a good deal.

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