Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Volume I (The Study of the Structure of Subjective Experience) by Robert Dilts (1980-06-01) eBook – 1740
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Neurolinguistic Programming eBook by Mr. Dilts. Mr Dilts has been a developer, author, trainer and consultant in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)—a model of human behaviour, learning and communication— since its creation in 1975 by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. A long time student and colleague of both Grinder and Bandler, Mr. Dilts also studied personally with Milton H. Erickson, M.D., and Gregory Bateson. In addition to spearheading the applications of NLP to education, creativity, health, and leadership, his personal contributions to the field of NLP include much of the seminal work on the NLP techniques of Strategies and Belief Systems, and the development of what has become known as ‘Systemic NLP’. Some of his techniques and models include: Reimprinting, Integration of Conflicting Beliefs, Sleight of Mouth Patterns, The Spelling Strategy, The Allergy Technique, Neuro-Logical Levels, The Belief Change Cycle, Generative NLP Patterns, the Unified Field Theory for NLP and many others.
He is the principle author of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Vol. I (with John Grinder, Richard Bandler and Judith DeLozier, 1980), which serves as the standard reference text for the field, and has authored numerous other books on NLP. Changing Belief Systems with NLP (1990) and Beliefs: Pathways to Health and Well Being (with Tim Hallbom and Suzi Smith, 1990) describe his work in changing limiting beliefs and creating functional belief systems. Tools for Dreamers (with Todd Epstein and Robert W. Dilts, 1991) and Skills for the Future (with Gino Bonissone, 1993), explore the applications of NLP to manage and enhance creativity. Effective Presentation Skills (1994) covers the key skills necessary for successful public speaking. Strategies of Genius Vols. I–III (1994-1995), apply the tools of NLP to model the thinking processes of important historical figures; including Aristotle, Sherlock Holmes, Disney, Mozart, Einstein, Freud, Leonardo and Nikola Tesla. Dynamic Learning (with Todd Epstein, 1995), explores the development of effective strategies for learning and teaching. Visionary Leadership Skills (1996), studies tools and skills necessary for “creating a world to which people want to belong.” Tools of the Spirit (with Robert McDonald, 1997), explores how NLP principles and processes may be used to encourage and enhance spiritual growth and development. Modeling with NLP (1998) covers the tools and skills for modelling the behaviour of exceptional people, illustrating the application of NLP modelling procedures to the study of effective leadership ability. Sleight of Mouth (1999) describes the set of verbal reframing patterns he developed to conversationally influence beliefs. The Encyclopedia of Systemic Neuro-Linguistic Programming and NLP New Coding (with Judith DeLozier, 2000), provides a comprehensive overview of the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, including its wide range of applications, techniques and influences. Alpha Leadership: Tools for Business Leaders Who Want More From Life (with Ann Deering and Julian Russell, 2002) describes a new model of leadership that captures and shares the latest know-how on the practice of effective leadership, offering approaches to reduce stress and to promote satisfaction. Dilts’ most recent work From Coach to Awakener (2003) provides a road map and set of toolboxes for coaches to help clients to goals on a number of different levels of learning and change.
Recognised internationally as one of the foremost developers, trainers and practitioners of NLP, Mr. Dilts has done consulting and training throughout the world to a wide variety of professional groups and organisations. Past sponsors and clients include Apple Computer, World Bank, Hewlett Packard, Ernst & Young, Telecom Italia, Lucasfilms Ltd., Alitalia, The American Society for Training and Development, The University of Miami School of Medicine, and all of the major NLP institutes. He has lectured extensively on NLP, making presentations and keynote addresses for The European Forum for Quality Management, The World Health Organisation, Harvard University, The California Association of Special Education Teachers and The National Tumor Institute of Italy.
Dilts was head of an extensive study of leadership skills, organisational values and creativity for Fiat, spanning more that a dozen years. He is currently an associate professor at ISVOR Fiat, the corporate university for the Fiat Group and has been extensively involved in the development of the new Fiat Leadership Model. He is also chief scientist for a US based joint venture with ISVOR Fiat, ISVOR DILTS Leadership Systems. The mission ISVOR DILTS is to deliver a wide range of innovative leadership development programs to large corporations on a global scale. These programs leverage leading edge e-learning solutions and other new technologies to serve corporate clients around the world.
Dilts also headed a project with the State Railway of Italy involving organisational learning and communication skills for trainers, instructors and presenters. He has developed a certification program for NLP and systemic thinking skills for the management development group of IBM Europe, and supervised the design of Tools for Living, the behavior management portion of the program used by Weight Watcher’s International.
In 1982 Mr. Dilts co-founded the Dynamic Learning Center with the late Todd Epstein. In 1991 he and Epstein established NLP University which provides a full range of basic and advanced NLP training. He and Epstein were also the founders of Dynamic Learning Publications and The Academy of Behavioural Technology.
Dilts is also a co-founder (with Tim Hallbom and Suzi Smith) of the Institute for Advanced Studies of Health (IASH). IASH is a non-profit organization, established in 1994, which supports research and networking relating to the application of Systemic NLP methods to the area of health. As part of this mission, IASH provides administration for The NLP World Health Community and Health Certification Training. IASH maintains an international directory of certified NLP Health Practitioners.
In 1981 Mr. Dilts established Behavioural Engineering, a computer software company using NLP concepts to create interactive computer products for education, training and personal development. He is the author of over two dozen computer programs including Spelling Strategy and Math Strategy, Typing Strategy and Mind Master – a unique computer interface utilising the electrical activity of the skin to allow the computer to respond to a person’s thought patterns. The Mind Master was featured in two television documentaries on computer aid to the handicapped and an interactive theater production at Expo 86.
Mr. Dilts is also the co-inventor of a unique biofeedback device known as the NeuroLink, which simultaneously monitors and records activity in heart rate, body temperature and the electrical activity on the left and right sides of the body. Dilts’ State Enhancement Coach software combines these key measurements of nervous system activity with artificial intelligence and NLP methods and principles to help people achieve optimal states of health, learning and personal performance. The NeuroLink is the core technology for the Mind Drive products marketed by The Other 90%.
Other organisations founded or co-founded by Dilts include the Global NLP Training and Consulting Community (GTC) and Dilts Strategy Group (DSG). The vision of the Global NLP Training and Consulting Community is that of a worldwide network of competent trainers, consultants, developers and sponsors who share the mission of bringing the presuppositions and practices of NLP to social systems, organisations, groups and individuals. The members of this community recognise that effective training, consulting, coaching, developing and organising require leadership – the skill to bring vision into action and support learning and change.
The mission of the Dilts Strategy Group is to bring together proven business criteria with strategic knowledge to help companies grow and succeed. With the dawn of the Internet revolution and the continuing globalisation of business, such proven strategies have become essential in order for organisations to survive and succeed in making the transition to the new business paradigm.
From 1979-1981 Mr. Dilts was Vice President and Director of Research for NOT Ltd. Division of Training and Research in NLP where he helped design the curriculum and testing procedures for the first NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner certification programs with Leslie Cameron-Bandler-Lebeau, David Gordon and Maribeth Meyers-Anderson.
Mr. Dilts has a degree in Behavioral Technology from the University of California at Santa Cruz. He received the President’s Undergraduate Fellowship in 1977 for research correlating eye movement and brain function conducted at the Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute in San Francisco.
The following is a list of the works of Robert Dilts in print:
From Coach to Awakener; Meta Publications, Capitola, CA, 2003.
Alpha Leadership: Tools for Leaders Who Want More From Life, co-authored with Anne Deering and Julian Russell, John Wiley & Sons, London, England, 2002.
Encyclopedia of Systemic Neuro-Linguistic Programming and NLP New Coding, co-authored with Judith DeLozier, NLP University Press, Santa Cruz, CA, 2000.
Sleight of Mouth: The Magic of Conversational Belief Change; Meta Publications, Capitola, CA, 1999.
Modelling with NLP; Meta Publications, Capitola, CA, 1998.
Tools of the Spirit, co-authored with Robert McDonald, Meta Publications, Capitola, CA, 1997.
Visionary Leadership Skills: Creating a World to Which People Want to Belong; Meta Publications, Capitola, CA, 1996.
Dynamic Learning; co-authored with Todd Epstein, Meta Publications, Capitola, CA, 1995.
Strategies of Genius Volumes I, II & III; Meta Publications, Capitola, CA, 1994-1995.
Effective Presentation Skills; Meta Publications, Capitola, CA, 1994.
Skills for the Future: Managing Creativity and Innovation (with Gino Bonissone); Meta Publications, Capitola, CA, 1993.
Cognitive Patterns of Jesus of Nazareth: Tools of the Spirit; Dynamic Learning Publications, Ben Lomond, CA., 1992
Tools For Dreamers: Strategies of Creativity and the Structure of Innovation, co-authored with Todd Epstein and Robert W. Dilts, Meta Publications, Capitola, Ca., 1991.
Beliefs: Pathways to Health & Well-Being, co-authored with Tim Hallbom and Suzi Smith, Metamorphous Press, Portland, OR, 1990.
Changing Belief Systems with NLP, Meta Publications, Capitola, Ca.,1990.
Applications of Neuro-Linguistic Programming: A practical guide to communication, learning and change, Meta Publications, Capitola, Ca., 1983.
Roots of Neuro-Linguistic Programming: A reference guide to the technology of NLP , Meta Publications, Capitola, Ca., 1983.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming: The Study of the Structure of Subjective Experience, Volume I ; co-authored with John Grinder, Richard Bandler, & Judith DeLozier, Meta Publications, Capitola, Ca., 1980.
Leadership Cults and Cultures (co-authored with Anne Deering and Julian Russell); Leader to Leader, Number 28, Spring 2003, New York, NY.
NLP and Distance Learning (co-authored with Judith DeLozier); Anchor Point, February, 2003, Salt Lake City, UT.
Ethics and Leadership, Isvor Training and Education Review, Volume IV, Number 7, December, 2001, Turin, Italy.
Resolving Grief with NLP, The Health Attractor Journal, August 2001, Salt Lake City, UT.
Shared Values of the NLP Community, Anchor Point, January, 2001, Salt Lake City, UT.
Research and NLP, The Health Attractor Journal, September 1999, Salt Lake City, UT.
Transderivational Morphology, Anchor Point, July 1999, Salt Lake City, UT.
The Evolution of Perceptual Positions; co-authored with Judith DeLozier, Anchor Point, September 1998, Anchor Point Assoc., Salt Lake City, UT.
NLP and Intellectual Property; Anchor Point, December 1997, Anchor Point Assoc., Salt Lake City, UT.
Time Lines; Anchor Point, October 1997, Anchor Point Assoc., Salt Lake City, UT.
The Process of Reimprinting; Anchor Point, July & August 1997, Anchor Point Assoc., Salt Lake City, UT.
Map and Territory (co-authored with Judith DeLozier); Anchor Point, May & June 1997, Anchor Point Assoc., Salt Lake City, UT.
Darwin’s Thinking Path; Anchor Point, November 1996, Anchor Point Assoc., Salt Lake City, UT.
Thought Viruses, Mental Maps and Health; Anchor Point, March-April 1996, Anchor Point Assoc., Salt Lake City, Utah.
Modelling the Wisdom of Jesus; Anchor Point, February 1996, Anchor Point Assoc., Salt Lake City, Utah.
Bringing Light Into The Darkness: The Principle of Positive Intention; Anchor Point, December 1995, Anchor Point Associates, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Dynamic Assessment; Anchor Point, October 1995, Anchor Point Assoc., Salt Lake City, Utah.
NLP, Self-Organisation and Strategies of Change Management; Anchor Point, July 1995, Anchor Point Associates, Salt Lake City, Utah.
NLP and Self-Organisation Theory; Anchor Point, June 1995, Anchor Point Assoc., Salt Lake City, Utah.
Applications of NLP in Health: Overview of the Seven C’s Model; Anchor Point, August 1992, Anchor Point Associates, Salt Lake City, Utah
Moshe Feldenkrais: NLP of the Body, 1990, Dynamic Learning Publications, Ben Lomond, Ca.
NLP & Life Extension: Modelling Longevity, co-authored with Jaap Hollander, 1990, Dynamic Learning Publications, Ben Lomond, Ca.
NLP in Training Groups, co-authored with Todd Epstein, 1989, Dynamic Learning Publications, Ben Lomond, Ca.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming in Family Therapy; co-authored with J.D. Green, in Family Counselling and Therapy ; Horne & Olsen editors, 1982, Peacock Publishers, Inc., Itasca, Ill.
Let NLP Work for You, Real Estate Today , February, 1982, Volume 15, November 2.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming in Organisational Development, 1979, Organisational Development Network Conference Presentation Papers, New York, New York.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming: A New Psychotherapy, 1978, Realities Conference Presentation Papers, San Francisco, CA.
Developing World-Class Leadership in a Changing Global Economy, co-authored with John Dilts (expected Fall 2002).
Sleight of Mouth: Volume II — The Language of Leadership and Social Change, (expected Spring, 2003).
Creating New Pathways to Health and Well-Being, co-authored with Tim Hallbom and Suzi Smith, (expected Spring, 2003).
The Handbook of NLP New Coding; co-authored with Judith DeLozier, (expected Summer, 2003).
Strategies of Genius Volume IV; Bateson, Erickson, Feldenkrais (expected Winter, 2003).
Healing Patterns of Jesus of Nazareth (expected Fall, 2003).
Strategies of Genius Volume V; Women Geniuses (expected Spring 2004).
Systemic NLP: A Unified Field Theory (expected Fall, 2004).
Addictions, Compulsions and Identity, co-Authored with Todd Epstein (expected Fall, 2005).

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