Nutrition for Life Kindle Edition
Nutrition for Life eBook. Recommended for all those (and there are so many of us) who are tired of too many complicated and unrealistic books about nutrition. Here it is in one user-friendly, practical and readable package. ‘ Living Well magazine In this fully revised and updated edition of her amazing bestseller Nutrition for Life, Catherine Saxelby brings us the latest on food and nutrition, and dispels a few myths along the way. She shares with us the fact and figures on: what to eat – and what not to eat – for glowing health; hot topics today; new foods with a nutrition buzz; 20 top superfoods; food, ethics and health; energy boosters; special diets for health and wellbeing; mindful eating and weight loss; and making sense of food labels. This indispensable guide has everything we need to know about food and nutrition to be our best in health and vitality.
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