The Richest Man in Babylon Kindle Edition
The Richest Man in Babylon. “What can a book written in the 1920s tell modern investors about their finances? A whole lot if it’s George Clason’s delightful set of parables that explain the basics of money. This is a great gift for a graduate or anyone who seems baffled by the world of finance and a wonderful, refreshing read for even the most experienced investor.”–Los Angeles Times
“I first read The Richest Man in Babylon many years ago. Its philosophy worked for me then, and it will work now for anyone with the good sense to stick to it. I think it ought to be read by every young man or woman with ambition to make something of life.”--Chicago Daily News
The Richest Man in Babylon
“Recently, several readers asked me for recommendations on books that introduce teenagers–and even pre-teens–to investing… My favourite, and one that I always mention, is The Richest Man in Babylon. Though published nearly 90 years ago, the financial advice dispensed by author George S. Clason will always be relevant to a new generation of readers. Set in ancient Babylon, the characters learn simple lessons about money and investing throughout the collection of short stories.”–Chicago Tribune
“Full of time-tested advice on saving and investing.”–The Washington Post
The Richest Man in Babylon
An inspirational guide to personal money problems which presents eleven ancient Babylonian tales revealing the way to financial success.
- Richest Man
- Finances
- Investors
About the Author
George Samuel Clason was born in Louisiana, Missouri, on November 7th, 1874. He attended the University of Nebraska and served in the United States Army during the Spanish-American War. A successful businessman, he founded the Clason Map Company of Denver, Colorado and published the first road atlas of the United States and Canada. In 1926, he issued the first of a famous series of pamphlets on thrift and financial success, using parables set in ancient Babylon to make each of his points. These were distributed in large quantities by banks and insurance companies and became familiar to millions, the most famous being “The Richest Man in Babylon,” the parable from which the present volume takes its title. These “Babylonian parables” have become a modern inspirational classic.
Books-For-Everyone Customer
Fantastic little book.
2 June 2019
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I’d noticed this particular book continually showing up in my Books-For-Everyone recommendations & news-letters. However I never bought it until recently and I’ve got to say I absolutely loved it.
This book confirmed for me things I already knew and was doing, for example, saving at least 10% of my income and investing it in order for the cash to multiply itself over time.
I wouldn’t say the advice is groundbreaking however if your in a poor situation financially this book could very well give you the change in mindset required in order to start moving toward a better financial future.
The thing I loved most about this book was the language and the stories within it. I found this book incredibly hypnotic, in that I was so drawn in by the story and genuinely didn’t want to stop reading it.
Not a particularly big book and depending on how fast you read you’ll get through it fairly quickly however I’d advise to take time with it and think about what you’ve read and ask the all important question “How do I apply this knowledge in my own life”.
Loved this book and a great addition to my library.
38 people found this helpful
f. a. abogunrin
Lessons my father should have taught me. First class self reflecting book.
2 June 2019
Format: eBook Edition Verified Purchase
This is a book I should have read in my early twenties not now in my mid forties! Simple wealth creating principles. Pay day today and I have “paid” my self promptly as the book suggested.
The old style English can be slightly off putting but as a KJV reader it was no problem.
It is otherwise easy to read, laid out in short stories and highlights at end to drive home points.
God help me, I will be teaching my children this book. Highly recommended for hard workers like me but with lean purses.
25 people found this helpful
Always Impartial
Fully deserves it’s status as a classic
27 April 2019
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Truly excellent book… if like me, you’ve heard of it over the years and never really got around to reading it – now’s the time to hit the order button. Very well done and the old ‘trick’ – which is more a method – of using stories to get points across, and make them stick in the mind, is done perfectly. Invaluable advice/reminders, and have read this multiple times, as well as buying copies for others. Fully deserves it’s status as a classic.
9 people found this helpful
Dave E
Make Thy Gold Multiply
6 April 2019
Format: Digital Edition eBook Verified Purchase
Lets face it, financial advice is a pretty dry subject but this book does a good job of keeping it interesting. I have to admit that the writing style caught me by surprise. I wasn’t expecting a book completely worded as though it had been penned hundreds of years ago. For that reason at first I didn’t find it particularly easy to read, but as it went on the style became familiar and I grew to like it.
At it’s heart it’s all simple advice but it seems to make a lot of sense. I wish I’d read this book 10 years ago and applied some of the concepts, I’d probably be sat on top of a 5 figure savings pot right now, and whilst that wouldn’t make me rich – it would make me pretty comfortable!
I would hugely recommend reading The Richest Man in Babylon to anyone with even a slight interest in improving their financial situation. I’ll come back and upgrade the rating to five stars when I’m the richest man on my street!
233 people found this helpful
Sawyerrs’ House
My all-time fave right now
2 April 2019
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There is nothing to dislike about this oldie but goodie of a book. I just can’t believe it was written in the 1920s and is still relevant today. It’s even harder to believe that the book is written as parables. The writer was definitely way ahead of his times. Although the language is old fashioned, it is a delightful book to have. Everyone must read this book at least 10 x in their life. Let me drop the mic here. Thanks.
74 people found this helpful
Very Enjoyable
1 April 2019
Format: eBook Verified Purchase
I really enjoyed this book. It basically lays out the steps you need to take to accumulate wealth and does so using ancient stories from Babylon. The steps are pretty obvious but still make for interesting reading. It teaches you what to avoid doing too. I found the book to be very motivational. I very much enjoyed the old stories told within and the old language in which they were written. Very much recommend.
2085 people found this helpful
Nathan Taylor
Life changing…
26 March 2019
Format: Digital Edition eBook Verified Purchase
This book is second only to Mark Fishers ‘The Instant Millionaire‘, in my opinion, for must have books to help set you on the right road to financial freedom. (I haven’t read every single book out there so this is only in my experience).
The ‘fables’ style of providing life lessons is such a ‘digestible’ and fun way to learn important life lessons and out yourself on the road to financial freedom.
The ‘5 Laws of Gold’ and ‘7 Cures for a Lean Purse’ are simple but truly effective financial rules that are simple to follow with discipline.
‘Always pay yourself first’ is a fundamental life rule that has personally changed my life.
‘Gold cometh gladly and in increasing quantity to any man who will put by not less that one-tenth (10%) of his earnings’ is another exercise that can change your life once disciplined in performing this every payday.
It’s one thing knowing the techniques, but you much take ACTION to receive the rewards.
Another amazing book.
687 people found this helpful
Amazing Customer
A must read
21 March 2019
Format: Digital Edition eBook Verified Purchase
A very thought provoking book, that must put into action. It provides the simple truths and tools that many wealthy men have used to get to where they are today.
At least 10% of what you earn, is yours to keep.
20% to pay your debts
70% to live on.
Do not shy away from work! But work hard and let your money work for you! Invest wisely. Plan for your future.
277 people found this helpful
Half way through this book and I love it! I found this book similar to The …
18 March 2019
Format: eBook Verified Purchase
Half way through this book and I love it! I found this book similar to The Alchemist with the messages and slight spiritual element, although not as spiritual at The Alchemist.
So far I am learning a lot about self discipline and better money management. Great read!
955 people found this helpful
R. Howell-peak
Good book overall but could be improved.
9 March 2019
Format: eBook Verified Purchase
Some good information in the book, well presented with some nice stories. My one criticism would be that the dialogue is written in ye olde English, with “thou art” etc. Which makes no sense, since the book is set in Babylon which did not have English as its main language. So, to keep spirit with the book, the “original” dialogue would need to be translated to English anyway. In which case, why translate it to an antiquated version of English that people no longer speak? Like, you don’t see French films being translated into Shakespearean English, they just get translated into modern English. Anyway, ultimately the upshot of this is that it adds a layer of unnecessary complexity into what is otherwise a good book.
125 People found this helpful
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The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason
(Digital Edition, 2002).
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