Training and Racing with a Power Meter Kindle Edition
Training and Racing with a Power Meter brings the advanced power-based training techniques of elite cyclists and triathletes to everyone.
A power meter can unlock more speed and endurance than any other training tool. Also those who understand how to interpret their data. By quantifying exactly how much energy a cyclist expends. Power meters lend unprecedented insight into a rider’s abilities and fitness. With the proper baseline data, a cyclist can use a power meter to determine workouts. Long-term training, and even race strategy, pacing, and tactics.
Training and Racing with a Power Meter is the pioneering, cutting-edge guide that makes it possible. Also for any rider to exploit the incredible usefulness of any power meter. Coach Hunter Allen and exercise physiologists Dr. Andy Coggan and Stephen McGregor. They show how to use a power meter to profile your strengths and weakness. Not to mention how to measure fitness and fatigue, how to optimise your daily workouts. Furthermore how to peak for races, and how to set and adjust your racing strategy while you are racing.
This new and extensively updated third edition:
- Enables cyclists and triathletes to predict future performance and time peak form
- Reveals methods of fatigue profiling, a new testing method to pinpoint weaknesses for a variety of short- and long-distance race formats
- Includes training plans to raise functional threshold power
- Offers power-based workouts tuned for your specific training goals
- Shares new case studies
- New guidance for triathletes on pacing the bike and run
- Improves on the data visualisation
Training and Racing with a Power Meter is the definitive, comprehensive guide to using a power meter. Armed with the revolutionary techniques from this guide. Cyclists and triathletes can achieve lasting improvements and their best performances ever.
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