Building on the success of the first edition and the growth of research in the field over the past decade. For instance this book offers an authoritative overview of the assessment, treatment, and management of violent and sexual offenders. Furthermore new and expanded edition reflects the considerable developments in research. Equally important empirical data and captures the increasing breadth of risk assessment approaches. Not to mention the wider range of empirically based therapies. Also the more creative means of considering management.
The second edition captures key developments in this area. At the same time new chapters drawing on a range of pressing contemporary issues. For example as female offenders, Internet offenders, terrorists, young people involved in harmful sexual behaviour. Then protective factors for aggression. Also there is also extended coverage of the management of offenders within secure settings. Not to mention in the community, referring to a wider variety of approaches and the incorporation of technology.
This book will be of considerable interest to academics, practitioners. And students engaged with understanding and/or treating violence and aggression. For instance sex crime, forensic psychology. Also the assessment, treatment, and management of offenders.
Product description
“Violent and Sexual Offenders offers the reader confirmation of evidence-based practices that have been utilised for some time. As well as developments in assessing and managing risks amongst unique cohorts of offenders. Furthermore sentencing options, offender registration and the role of technology to promote community safety. Moreover assist in providing a broader context than the traditional approach. Also to exclusively focus on criminal conduct of an individual. The text flexibly uses research and case examples. Then enables the benefits and limitations to be clearly understood.”
– Dr Anne Marie Martin. Assistant Commissioner, Offender Management & Programs. Corrective Services NSW, NSW Department of Justice, Australia.
About the Author
Jane L. Ireland, Chartered Psychologist, Forensic Psychologist, and Chartered Scientist. Also holds a professorial chair at the University of Central Lancashire. Furthermore is Violence Treatment Lead within High Secure Services, Ashworth Hospital, Mersey Care NHS Trust. She is elected academy fellow of the Council of the Academy of Social Sciences. And fellow of the International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA). She regularly publishes in the area of aggression. Moreover leads the Ashworth Research Centre (ARC) within Mersey Care NHS Trust.
Carol A. Ireland, Consultant Chartered Psychologist, Forensic Psychologist, and Chartered Scientist. Also is Lead Trainer for the Life Minus Violence Harmful Sexual Behaviour Therapy. Also senior research Lead at the Ashworth Research Centre. She also works at the University of Central Lancashire. Not to mention where she is the Director of Studies for the MSc in Forensic Psychology. She also works at the Coastal Child and Adult Therapeutic Services (CCATS).
Philip Birch is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology in the Centre for Law and Justice at Charles Sturt University, Australia. Prior to entering academia Philip worked as a criminologist in the field. Furthermore holding posts in the UK Prison Service as well as in the crime and disorder field. Equally important, which involved managing a specialist crime unit. Not to mention Philip is an honorary research fellow within the Forensic Centre, UCLan, UK. Also a senior research associate at Ashworth Research Centre, Ashworth Hospital, UK.

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